The Hat by Jan Brett is a beautifully illustrated and enchanting tale that weaves together humor and the wonders of winter. The story follows a curious hedgehog named Hedgie who finds a woolen sock that has blown off a clothesline. When he tries to investigate it, the sock gets stuck on his head, making it look like he's wearing a hat! As Hedgie proudly parades around with his new "hat," the other animals in the barnyard tease him, but soon they all want their own hats too. Jan Brett's signature detailed artwork brings the cozy, wintry setting to life, while the story gently conveys themes of individuality and pride in being unique. "The Hat" is a charming companion to Brett's classic "The Mitten" and is perfect for sharing the warmth and magic of winter with young readers.
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Publsher: Scholastic
Paperback: 32 pages
ISBN-10: 0590647512
ISBN-13: 978-0590647519